Clean Water <
Request for Quotation/Reverse Osmosis Design Guidelines Form

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    Planning Stage


A. Is the complete feed water analysis attached? Yes No
B. What is the source of the feed water? Surface , or Well
C. Is the source Municipal , Private , or Other
D. Is there a history of seasonal fluctuations in the water source or water quality?
E. Is there Chlorine present in the feed water supply? Yes No
If yes, what is the concentration, mg/l.
F. What is the feed water temperature? °C.
G. Does the feed water temperature vary? Yes No
If yes, what is the range? °C to °C.
H. Is the raw water feed volume limited? Yes No
If yes, to what flow?
I. Is Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) present? Yes No
If so, in what concentration level?
J. Does the feed water have any color? Yes No
K. What is the feed water pressure? PSI Bar , Minimum Max .


A. What is the daily volume of product water required per day?
M3/day, GPD.
B. What is the volume of product required per hour?
C. If possible, project future product water requirements 1-3 years from now.
D. How many hours per day is product water required?
How many days per week?
E. What are the product water quality (level of purity) requirements?
Please describe in as much detail as possible.
F. Does the product water quality need to meet any specific standard like US EPA, WHO, ASTM, USP, WFI, Etc.? Please describe in detail.
G. What is maximum number of days the R.O. system will not be in operation?


A. Are there any special control or instrumentation requirements? Yes No
B. Does this application require digital outputs for data transmission to a remote computer or monitor? Yes No
If yes, please describe in detail.


A. Where will the reject water from the R.O. system go?
B. How much space is available for this system?
Length , Width , Height
C. What is the maximum door size opening?
Width , Height
D. What is the available electrical power?
Volts , Phase , Hertz , Amps
E. What is the electrical cost per KWH?
U.S. dollars , Other
F. What is the cost of the water to be treated? per M3.
G. What environment will the system be located? Indoor Outdoor
H. What are the atmospheric conditions to which the System will be exposed? (Example: corrosive, damp, dusty, hazardous/explosive fumes or dust, extreme heat, etc.) Please describe:
I. What is range of the ambient air temperature variations? °C to °C
J. What is the approximate date that this system is required to be in operation?
/ /
K. If engineering specifications and/or drawings are available, please provide a copy.
L. Are there storage facilities for the product water? Yes No .
If yes, what is the capacity? M3, Gallons.
Material type?
M. How many hours per day is the facility staffed?
N. Is this a constant or intermittent duty application?
O. What is the anticipated product water PSI requirement?
P. Describe the overall application:


KS-net-AG  Water Purification Technologies
Bannstrasse 27 B • , 6312 Steinhausen, Switzerland
Phone: +41 79 422 6653 • Fax: +41 41 743 1871 • E-mail: info@ks-net.ch